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How Much Does a DUI Really Cost?

Getting a DUI involves some obvious costs such as the fine associated with the violation. However, it also includes some less-obvious costs. Things like lawyers’ fees, special state surcharges and license reinstatement fees may be unwelcome and unexpected surprises. Before the Fines People charged with a DUI often want to talk to a lawyer. While most […]

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What Happens To My Clean Driving Record?

When you accumulate points on your driving record, your insurance premium can go up. Your driver’s license can also be suspended or revoked if you accumulate more than: 4 points within a 12-month period 6 points in a 24-month period 8 points in a 36-month period If you have received a traffic ticket in California, […]

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What is I have a CDL?

A traffic ticket issued to Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) holders can result in the suspension of your California Commercial Driver’s License. If you drive for a living, losing your CDL can mean losing your job and source of income. Even after you get your suspended Commercial Driver’s License back, there is a high likelihood that […]

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Suspended License?

There are a number of reasons a license may be suspended. Here are some of the common traffic infractions for which your license may be suspended: DUI/DWI offense Speeding Reckless Driving No Automobile Insurance Outstanding Warrants Failure to report an accident This may happen and you may not have been aware of your license being […]

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Stop Sign Ticket?

Most Americans have heard about the “California stop”. This terms comes from the fact that most California residents don’t obey the 3 second rule when coming to a stop at an intersection with stop signs. Quite a few of them do not even come to a full stop and instead they just slow down. Officer’s […]

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What Constitutes Reckless Driving?

In California reckless driving is considered a misdemeanor punishable by 5 days and up to 90 days in jail and/or a fine of $500 to $5000. The driver also faces the possibility of having their license suspended and/or their vehicle impounded for 30 days. If there is an injury to anyone other than the driver […]

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What if the DMV is at fault?

NEGLIGENT OPERATOR Proceedings — Vehicle Code section 12810 — Can cause [a] your driving privilege to be suspended or restricted and/or[b] for the DMV to place you on Probation, which would mean that any traffic ticket or accident after being placed on probation could be a basis of suspending or restricting your driving privilege. If you […]

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Trial By Declaration?

Trial By Declaration gives you two options, so to speak. One of the things you can do without an attorney is a Trial by Declaration.  If the officer does not file his response, your case will be dismissed.  If he does and the judge finds you guilty, you can request a New Trial in person.  […]

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Can Traffic School Help?

Vehicle Code section 41501 authorizes the court to give you “traffic school”.  You can attend the traffic school class by either going “in-person”, “home study” or “via the internet”. If you have not gone to a traffic school program within the past 18 months, you can attend an 8-hour traffic school.  Your ticket will be […]

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What is the Law Reguarding Photo Red Light Systems?

Vehicle Code section 21453, pursuant to Vehicle Code section 21455.5. Based upon a computer-controlled photograph or video taken of the vehicle and its driver, these laws permit the city/county to issue citations to the registered owner of a vehicle which crosses the first limit line after the light has turned red.

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